Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is a foodie?

A foodie by definition is a person who is an aficionado of wine and food. Like any junkie they live in constant wonder of when they are going to score their next fix. Though innocuous, they may become cranky and temperamental when deprived of food. Thankfully, these cravings can often be assuaged and supplemented by various T.V. programming, such as Top Chef, No Reservations, and Iron Chef to name a few. Unlike other addictions being a foodie does not require much money, thus making it harder to spot a foodie as they may come from all walks of life.

I once met a bum from Berkeley who being a foodie, refused an unopened catered boxed lunch because he did not approve of the type and cut of ham on the sandwich. He said simply, “If it’s not Applegate I don’t care for it!” A true foodie knows good food, and refuses to lower their standards regardless of their situation in life, e.g they would rather risk starvation than eat bad food.

How do you know if you’re a foodie?
1) You eat your meat rare because anything else is shoe leather.
2) You plan and look forward to your next meal as you chew your current meal.
3) Whether it is a dive or a white tablecloth establishment- you don’t care because good food is good food.
4) You have either: chowhound, opentable, foodnetwork, or some form of food based website saved under favorites.
5) You argue (out loud) with television chefs about their culinary choices and imagine how you cannot only recreate, but improve their dishes.
6) You have a subscription to Gourmet Magazine, which you look forward to every month as if it were Christmas morning.
7) When you travel, your measure of a good trip was the quality of the food and you’re only regret is that you couldn’t eat more of everything.
8) Your to do list mainly consists of places where you want to eat and foods you want to cook.
9) You would give your left arm and right leg to be Anthony Bourdain for just one day.
10) With that said, you abhor Rachel Ray her talk show, her cooking show, and all related programming.

If you or a loved one suffers from one or more of these symptoms you are a foodie.


  1. I totally agree with 5) you would argue out loud with Food Network chefs!!! But totally disagree with eating meat rare only.. I like my burgers medium-well. Also I would add 11) You bawl out Yelpers who criticize a restaurant by its shabby bathrooms and lack of parking when it's a place that serves amazingly sumptuous fare.

    Wanna read your next blog already!!!


  2. i think to be a real foodie...it should be four or more. love ya roomie!!!
