Friday, August 6, 2010

When in Maui…Eat, Eat, Then Eat Some More!

Hawaii is known for it traditional luau food and its wide variety of seafood. Sadly, it is also known for its love of Spam or as I like to call it bologna in a can or fancy meat. Being part Filipino I am no stranger to Spam. The Philippines is one of the largest producers and yes consumers of this faux meat. They love to fry it up with eggs and rice and serve as “breakfast” (note Spam can also be substituted for canned corn beef but lets leave this for a later conversation). As a child I learned to use Spam in many ways, as playdough, a ball for catch, as glue, but eat it, no never.

Not only is this mystery meat unrecognizable to the eye it is a mystery to the stomach as well. In fact I’m certain my stomach is still trying to figure out what to do with the spam I ingested 5 days ago. Not only do the Hawaiians love to put spam in EVERYTHING, they have gotten quite skillful in their ability to camouflage spam. While eating lunch with my brother I bit into what I thought was pico de gallo and discovered Spam. This island take on an already delicious mild salsa was downright sacrilegious. Little chunks of pink spam disguised as diced tomatoes with its spongey and gelatinous texture and salty taste ruined the salsa and almost my meal. Needless to say, avoid this condiment at all costs it does not belong on a plate or in your mouth.

Another interesting discovery I made while in Maui was spam macadamia nuts. Now I know your thinking macadamia nuts how can you go wrong? Add SPAM. I admit while in Maui I did eat spam willingly. My sister in law convinced me that we had to try a certain favorite island snack Musubi because well, when in Maui do as the islanders do. Musubi is a slab of fried Spam laid on a bed of rice and wrapped in a thin strip of nori. Truth be told its not all that bad, almost enjoyable I’d say if I didn’t know what was hiding underneath the nori.

Despite these culinary woes I did manage to have many fabulous meals in Maui and dare I say perhaps one of the best Italian meals I’ve eaten, outside of Italy of course. Generally speaking I say pass on hotel restaurants. Standard is they are overpriced mediocre food. Likewise, I find fine dining is a way for restaurants to charge more money for smaller portions. Rarely is my stomach or palate satiated by a fine dining meal for it is typically lackluster.

When my family felt too lazy to leave the hotel and decided to go Capische for dinner I prepared myself for a let down. However, I stand corrected. Capische may be the saving grace of hotel restaurants. Do not be fooled by the steep prices or plain descriptions of food as I was. One of the few meals I’ve ever experienced in my life where EVERYTHING was crafted to perfection, and I do mean everything because we came a plenty and ordered almost everything on the menu. In fact, their homemade pumpkin gnocchi with lavender in a brown butter sauce may be my new death row meal. It was that good. I also strongly recommend ordering a side of their fried polenta bites, which melt in your mouth as if actually consuming butter. The only portion of the menu I did not try was the dessert for we were all far too stuffed by then to even attempt it. Best believe I am going back for it!

After this, no meal compared. Not even Mama’s, which is renowned on the island for its excellence in seafood, made me forget my experience at Capische. While I’m on the subject, Mama’s while perfectly adequate is a prime example of food that is egregiously overpriced because you’re a tourist and they know they can. Go if you want. You’ll enjoy it, until you get the bill. It was here that I had my first and probably last taste of poi. My brother described it as babyfood mixed with sawdust. I’d have to agree poi is outright putrid.

Last thing you should know about cuisine in Maui, try the banana bread its what they’re known for and with good reason.

1 comment:

  1. mmmm....spam. I have to say...that I always stayed away from the canned meat until my Vietnamese friend and some of use had a ramen night. eggs, sliced fried spam, ramen of all flavors...I quite enjoyed it....but nutty spam??? i dunno :P
