Friday, January 27, 2012

A Week's Worth of Food

How much money do you spend on groceries every week?
How much do you eat every week?
When you think about the typical American diet, we eat a lot.

(Puto: Filipino rice cake)

These questions are highly subjective based on a person's
b)financial situation

Recently, Time Magazine featured an article in which it showed, what families around the world eat in a week. The disparity in diets is insane!

A new book by Peter Menzel, Hungry Planet, also delves into this topic, showing how our diets have rapidly evolved with the growth of food industries.

My reason for posting this is because I think it's important to be conscious of your food intake. All of us are guilty for sneaking in a pack of peanut M&M's here and there. What we don't realize is that these items ADD up. This week I CHALLENGE you to write down EVERY single thing you eat in detail. If you see something you don't like, as in, oh wow, I ate a whole bag of chips, try to omit them the next week.

Honestly, it seems like a lot of work, writing down everything you eat, but after seeing my friend Levon's post about his weekly intake, I decided I needed to drink the Kool Aid as well.

(PS Just case I haven't told you, I wrote a book. Not about food, but about life. Check it out, A beautiful Mess, and if you feel so inclied, BUY IT!

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