Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eat Healthy so You Can EAT MORE

These days, it seems like almost everyone is preoccupied with weight, losing weight, and consequently, eating less. However, according to a recent New York Times article there is evidence to support the argument of quality over quantity, that is to say, it is more important what we eat than how much we eat.

Personally, I eat a lot and those who know me can attest, I look quite fit. While in my younger years I could easily attribute this fact to my good genes, now that i'm older and my metabolism isn't what it once was, I know, that my health is mostly the result of my dietary decisions. What I've come to realize is that my diet is important, not because I want to stay slim, but because what I eat now can affect what I eat in the future.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support a poor diet can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. As a foodie, whose life revolves around food, I like to think of it in these terms

If I get diabetes- no more sweets or carbs :(
If I get heart disease- bye bye red meat, bacon, and fried food
If I get cancer- well, i may not be eating at all, except for hospital food.

To be sure, what we eat affects our health, which in turn, affects what we can eat if we hope to stay alive. This, more than my desire to stay fit, is what drives me to stick to a healthy and balanced diet. For I know that if I don't eat well now, I may not be able to partake in the food I love later.

However, I feel it's important to clarify, my healthy diet is healthy, because it's well balanced. I eat what I want, so long as it's in moderation. I love cookies and I'm not going to cut them out of my diet. All the same, I'm not going to eat them for breakfast under the guise of cereal. Also, I've started eating more raw food, not because I'm vegan but because it's healthier and tastes good. Eating healthy can be difficult and boring if you don't have the ability to cook. In reference to the first problem, I recommend the book Food Rules by Michael Pollan, which outlines simple rules to eat by. As for the plight of boring food, try a cooking class, go online, buy a book, there are ways to spice up your cooking if you try!

Clearly, everyone has their own body and eating habits. It's important to know your body, listen to it, and find what works for you. However, do not be fooled by these new diet trends which encourage you to drastically cut calories that you will only replace after the "diet" ends. Diet does not have to mean less, it can mean more! Diet just refers to what you eat, and if you eat healthy you can eat more food!

In short, I leave you with this, your body is your temple. If you do not worship it and treat it well, it will crumble-and fast.

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