Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lentil Soup- Like Draino for your Bowels

I realize lentils are more of an autumn/winter dish, however, it's rainy and chilly here in Spain so I figured I'd show the lentils in my pantry some love. However, if I were to be really, brutally, honest, I'd admit that I made the lentil soup in order to help my troops move as they haven't been marching. For as many of you may already know, healthy bowels is essential to happiness. To quote my good friend Aaron, "People always over estimate the importance of sex and under estimate the power of a good shit!" So here's a recipe that is delicious, healthy, and FULL OF FIBER!

1 cup lentils (soaked over night, change the water every few hours to DE-gas them)
1/2 an onion finely diced
2 large cloves of garlic (here in spain garlic cloves are called teeth)
1 tomato diced
1/4 Red Bell Pepper (I say red for color, use green if you use red lentils)
1/2 zucchini
1 carrot diced
3/4L chicken stock
1 medium potato diced
1 bay leaf
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp paprika (sweet or spicy)
2 tsp salt/pepper
1tbs balsamic vinegar
sprig of rosemary and thyme (if you have it, if not, no worries)

Saute onions and garlic in a tsb of olive oil.
Once they've sweated, add the lentils. Stir for a few seconds then add the chicken stock and a cup of water.
Throw in the bay leaf and spices (careful with the salt if using salted chicken stock). Let it all boil.
After a half hour, add the potatoes, carrots and bell peppers. (Add the harder vegetables which take longer to cook first)
Then fifteen minutes later add the zucchini and tomato.
Add the vinegar.
Let it cook for 15 more minutes. If the lentils are thoroughly cooked remove from the heat, let cool then serve!

Not a great date food but it does the trick if you need help with your bowels and clearly, IT'S DELICIOUS!

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