Last weekend, I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time. As a serial monogamist, I consider myself somewhat of a professional girlfriend. Thus, I tend not to freak out when meeting the folks. I guess you can say, charming parents is sorta my thing. However, here in Spain, meeting the parents is kinda a big deal, especially when you're the first girl your boyfriend's brought home, an extranjera (foreigner), and speaking in another language (SPANISH). Oh, and did I mention he's his mom's favorite. No pressure, really. Naturally, I couldn't go over to their house for lunch empty handed. I needed something to say, thank you for your hospitality, and moreover, hey don't worry I can cook, your son is in good hands. But what!?
Something different, so that his mom wouldn't feel the need to compare it to her cooking. Then again, something not too different, as it is Spain, and the people here are traditional, the very definition of, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Also, something easy that I couldn't fuck up and yet not so easy so that they thought I was a betty crocker box baker. Was I over thinking things? Obviously, but wouldn't you, if you were in my situation?
Looking over my recipes, I settled on pineapple upside-down cake. Easy, American, delicious. Sold. However, I made the mistake of telling my boyfriend he could help me. Love the guy, but doesn't know a thing about cooking. I told him to cream the sugar and the butter, fine.
Add, two eggs I said.
Beat them? he asked
Yes, mix them! I said.
I look over and he had beat the eggs separately from the sugar and butter, making scrambled eggs with a side of sugar butter. FAIL. I tried to save it but it was no use. We made a super bad fritata. :(
I tried again, this time with peaches because we didn't have any more pineapple, and I'm not sure if it was nerves or the time crunch but, yep, FAIL.
Eventually, we ended up buying bread on the side of the road, shaped like a wreath. His parents were so nice, they ooh'ed and ahh'ed at my bread, exclaiming how delicious it was. Truth be told, it was good, but not as good as the 7 plates his mom prepared for us. Anyhow, in the end, I think it all worked out. I ended up leaving with a 2lb doggie bag of food. :)
In short, the moral of the story is, BUY not BAKE, when meeting the parents for the first time.