Sunday, August 29, 2010


A few years back I participated in Ramadan. From sun up to sun down I could eat no food and drink no water. What could possess me to give up the very thing I love most you ask? Love. I wanted to show my new Muslim boyfriend that I was culturally sensitive by fasting with him for Ramadan. Moreover, I was curious. Maybe I was too indulgent and could learn something from abstaining, kinda like tantric eating. Besides, it was only for a few hours every day.....right?

My friends refer to this month as, “Oh yah that time you were a huge bitch.” For I quickly discovered that when unfed, I turn into a toddler. I whined. I threw myself onto the floor, kicking and screaming until the sunset and it was time to eat. Admittedly, I cheated several times, sneaking in a glass of water or a cracker. Still, I went hungry and no one was safe from my wrath. I give him credit. He had to combat hunger while dealing with my tantrums. Needless to say we broke up at the end of Ramadan. While I did not attain any spiritual enlightenment, I did manage to learn an easy and fantastic kebab recipe.

Before you start thinking of lamb on a stick and drooling, let me burst your bubble right now and explain that this kebab is more like a fish cake.

Fish Cake Kebabs:
Boil potatoes (I prefer fingerling) and mash them up. Add salt and pepper.
Mix in a can of tuna. (white or dark it doesn’t matter, but preferably in water)
Add chopped 2 small green chilies. (omit if you can’t take heat)
Add ½ medium onion diced.
Shape them into small hockey pucks, about the size of your palm.
Dip them in an egg batter, cover with breadcrumbs, and fry until golden brown.
(mash ratio should be 2/3 potato, 1/3 tuna, but play around with it )

Dipping Sauce
Cup of plain yogurt
Grate 1 ½ in of cucumber into the yogurt. The juice is key
Add 2 cloves minced garlic
Add zest of lemon
Add dill, and horseradish if it’s handy.

*The great thing about this recipe is you can substitute and add whatever you like to it because it’s so simple. I like subbing canned salmon for tuna. Also, the dipping sauce can be an alternative for mayo based tartar sauce.
If you want the true Ramadan experience, start off with a pitted date and drink rose water while enjoying your kebab.

Okay maybe I did learn something- the world is a better place for all involved when I'm fed. :)

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